Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Letter

Lukas got in big trouble with his dad the other day. He felt so sad about it, but just doesn't quite handle it well. He's very dramatic (I wonder where he got that from...?) and will say, "I guess you hate me then." And on and on. He runs away (like into his closet or in the bathroom) and won't come out for awhile. We keep telling him that we all make mistakes and that we can't run away or be so dramatic. We just need to feel sorry and say sorry and then move on. Well, after this little fall out with Pat, Lukas came to get me to have me help him write a letter to Daddy. This is what he wrote: Dear Daddy, I'm sorry (smiley face) that I hurt your feelings and that I go away from you. I want to be friends now. I (heart) U so much. Love, Lukas.

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