Wednesday, October 29, 2008

From Buzz to Batman

Lukas went from Buzz Lightyear, Diego and Disney Pixar to Spiderman, Batman and Transformers. It's funny how he just sort of grew up over night. He can be so helpful to me and do things that I ask. He is a big boy. The other day I heard him in the bathroom with Max and he said, "Max, do you feel like you need to go potty? Here, I'll help you." Then proceeded to undress Max down to his onesie and get him to go on the potty. Max just ended up playing in the sink and Lukas was so frustrated with him b/c he wouldn't go potty. Then Lukas was trying to get Max to share and he said to him, "Max, do you want to do this the hard way or the easy way?" Hmmmm, I wonder who he gets that from. Lukas LOVES to color now. He will draw all kinds of pictures and he loves to paint with watercolors. He colors inside the lines and he really takes his time. It's awesome. He will get my evelopes and paint or draw a picture for someone and want to put it in the mail. Mostly it's to me and Pat and he'll come up with a stuffed evelope and say, "Special Delivery". He really loves to color. He is also very shy. He had a primary program a few weeks ago, and Nana and Papa came to see him. When it was time for the primary kids to come up, he refused. We finally coaxed him to go up, but he sat on his teacher's lap the whole time! I was baffled! He's given talks before and LOVES to talk in the microphone. I don't know what happened, but he has really turned shy. He had to give a talk last Sunday and he absoultely would NOT look at anyone and he wouldn't stand up, so through the entire talk (which I gave) he crouched behind the podium. I was so embarrassed and a little upset. I tired to think what he might be feeling, but I was just mad. Then he had a Halloween parade at preschool today and they did a little performance singing songs and he just hid behind this pole and his teacher. I don't understand. He used to be so outgoing and friendly. I don't know what it is lately, but he does not like to be in public with attention on him. ?? Total opposite of Pat. We are really struggling with his bedtime routine, too. He can not go to sleep himself. One of us has to lay with him until he falls asleep, then in the middle of the night he finds his way to our bed. I don't know what to do. I've done charts and rewards and stickers and bribes. NOTHING is working. He and Max share a room, so you'd think he'd be fine since Max is in there with him. I just don't know if my sanity will last much longer if my nights are taken up with bedtime! We do love Lukas and hope to help him develop and grow in a positive way even amist our frustrations.

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